Welcome toHoward University RCMI Program
Our Vision & Goals
Howard University’s role as a major comprehensive metropolitan research university is embedded in its research goals which are to “investigate diseases that disproportionately affect African Americans” and “encourage multi-disciplinary approaches to research.”
Critical to these goals is research on minority health and health disparities.
The HU RCMI Program functions as an essential partner in realizing the institution’s research goals, and aims to provide the following resources in the support of biomedical, translational, and clinical research

The Howard University Research Centers in Minority (RCMI) Program is supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Award Number 2U54MD007597. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
- Follow Us on Twitter @HowardRCMI
May 14th - May 20th is #NationalWomensHealthWeek. This year's theme is: “Women’s Health, Whole Health: Prevention, Care and Wellbeing.” Check out some steps to better health here: zurl.co/vVsy #selflove #selfcare #wellness #holistichealth #DC #DMV #DCMetro #hbcu pic.twitter.com/6lHSeKFS4W
About 2 years ago from Howard RCMI's Twitter via Zoho Social
Happy #MothersDay to all mothers, mother-figures, and all with relationships to #motherhood. Today and always, we hope that you are filled with love, gratitude and appreciation. Artwork by: @Hey_ItsMelB #spring #momlife #mothersdayflowers #mothersdaycard #DC #DMV #DCMetro pic.twitter.com/ahY2KdtXjN
About 2 years ago from Howard RCMI's Twitter via Zoho Social
Here's another phenomenal presenter from #ResearchDay2023 at @HowardU! Check out this video clip of Ms. Tiara Smith discussing her research where she analyzed the well-being of Black individuals in relation to racist life events. #DC #DMV #DCMetro #hbcu #hbcupride #hbcumade #HU pic.twitter.com/Tp8tMEEIez
About 2 years ago from Howard RCMI's Twitter via Zoho Social
We are highlighting phenomenal presenters from #ResearchDay2023 at @HowardU! PhD student, Ms. Lakeiya Dulcio discussed the identity development and mental health of Black women due to gendered racism and racist sexual trauma. #DC #DMV #DCMetro #hbcu #hbcupride #hbcumade #HU pic.twitter.com/Zel9tUWQX7
About 2 years ago from Howard RCMI's Twitter via Zoho Social
We are highlighting phenomenal @HowardU student researchers that presented at #ResearchDay2023! Ms. MarShae Cooksey-Webster discussed her project where she analyzed mental health utilization globally and within the US. @mehhshae #DC #DMV #DCMetro #hbcu #hbcupride #hbcumade #HU pic.twitter.com/xC4z0wPYMK
About 2 years ago from Howard RCMI's Twitter via Zoho Social